速報APP / 教育 / Map Flight Recorder

Map Flight Recorder



檔案大小:25.9 MB


版本需求:需要 tvOS 11.0 或以上版本。 Apple TV.


Map Flight Recorder(圖1)-速報App

Create stunning Aerial Views!

Record your Maps Navigation on Apple Maps

For the first time you can create your own Flyover Presentation.

Map Flight Recorder allows you to record your map navigation created with a simple gesture of your hand.

Map Flight Recorder(圖2)-速報App

YES, it's all about Apple Remote sensors. All you have to do is move your thumb and your hand.

Easily create Flyovers of your favourites places, put your captions and instantly play your creation.

Popular Places selected among the world's most amazing and famous places for a true flight experience!

Map Flight Recorder is a complete tool.

Map Flight Recorder(圖3)-速報App

You can choose between simple navigation and our gyroscope driven engine to move your virtual camera over the world.

Map Flight Recorder comes with a series of tool to simplify the creation and post-processing of your recorded flight.

A special tool works in the background tuning your map navigation recording to produce smooth and spectacular recordings.

Our Optimizer takes take of panning optimisation as well as pitch/heading and altitude.

Map Flight Recorder(圖4)-速報App

Enjoy our planet and learn by flying!

See your recorded flyovers and our special collection downloading our free app "Maps Flight Genius", available for iPhone, iPad and AppleTV and discover the wonders of the Genius and its automatic aerial view creation.

more videos on socialmusicnews.com/for

Map Flight Recorder(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:Apple TV